Tuesday 24 November 2009

Too much wine and too much song, I wondered how I got along...

I love "Seasons In The Sun", it's a dark beautiful pop song
This is the Jacques Brel song it is a cover of, it's not exactly pop, but certainly is dark...

Thursday 5 November 2009

Everyone needs a leader

Very late one Friday night, I remember talking to someone and saying we needed a new posterboy for the post-modern generation.

Well... Here it is...

PS: No point in running away, they'll find you in the end...

Thursday 29 October 2009

Once upon a time on a 55 bus

Now I rarely take the bus, but everytime I do, something amazing happens, like this morning when I was sitting there and this strange creature started talking to me from the back of its head...

Wednesday 28 October 2009


This is what happens then, oh yes...
This might even be the birth of a new blog (why not, they're free) about life, treason, fun and decadence on the Upper East Side (of London)
More news soon...


Friday 23 October 2009

One of those fine London mornings...

Between the needles and the ugly dogs, isn't Hackney Downs a lovely place?